[wp-forums] The "moderator" hat

Half-Elf on Tech ipstenu at halfelf.org
Thu Apr 24 21:53:11 UTC 2014

My day has been sucky busy.

What Jen said. I hate the no-reply checks being so big, but I hate more 
seeing a thread with 2 posts and the second one is "I removed your 
signature" or "I fixed your code."

Leave an in-post comment [Fixed the code -- Mod.] and don't reply unless 
you're gonna try to help work it out :) Otherwise I feel we're bumping 
and we know that doesn't help ;)

> If you don't know the answer and aren't particularly interested in
> figuring it out, leaving an extraneous comment messes with other
> moderators' ability to get the job done, so refrain.

That's the one I meant when I said you don't have to reply. I no longer 
answer the 'Should I use Multisite' questions, and I skip the 'How do I 
make it work with multiple languages' too. The former is too 
time-consuming and touchy and personal. The later I just don't know 
enough about.

Also the angry face ones. If I feel myself angry I walk away. Don't be 
this guy: https://xkcd.com/386/

Jen Mylo wrote:
> On 4/24/14 6:20 AM, Mika Epstein wrote:
>> What I meant, and what I feel, is that we cannot know everything and
>> we have no obligation to answer EVERYONE. In doing so, we screw up
>> the no-replies checkers as much as they do with bumping. :/
> Lately I've been looking at a lot of support threads because checking
> activity on .org via the list on profiles is one of the ways I vet new
> meetup organizers. When I see thread after thread with no reply, it
> breaks my heart and makes me both sad and embarrassed -- especially
> when there was no reply and it was closed by moderators without even a
> comment. Anything we can do to make it easier for no-reply checks to
> be accurate and acted on is important.
> Andrew had a point when he said you might need to ask a couple of
> questions to be able to help. Yes, and if you choose to ask those
> questions, then please follow up with an answer, or if you can't
> figure it out, ask someone to help you figure it out. Then the thread
> gets an answer and you just learned something. Bonus!
> If you don't know the answer and aren't particularly interested in
> figuring it out, leaving an extraneous comment messes with other
> moderators' ability to get the job done, so refrain.
> If you are angry about someone's tone, but don't want to answer their
> question, modlook it or report it so someone else can kindly but
> firmly lay a slapdown on the user's tone while addressing the user's
> question, and you can move on to a question that you want to answer.
> For the record, I am pretty much always available to drop into a
> thread and play bad cop and ask someone specific to help solve the
> troubleshooting issue if needed. :)
> j
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