[wp-forums] The "moderator" hat

andrew nevins andrew.nevins.misc at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 06:06:16 UTC 2014

*I don't actually have a solution to this*

I've noticed if I post in a thread about a core WordPress request/ feedback
some people may be interpret me as a core developer who is saying Nay to
their idea.

I've ignored this suspicion for a while until someone pointed it out again

As some of you may know I'm not keen with the "volunteer moderator" label
anyway because it's so different from "member" when we are not so
different, but I'm not sure if there's a better way of describing us.

I'm sure a lot of thought was gone into the "volunteer moderator" label and
maybe this is the best we can do, but just wanted to raise this in case
anyone had some thoughts on other labels.

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