[wp-forums] Trac ticket #25679

Kim Parsell kpdesign3 at gmail.com
Thu Oct 24 12:47:35 UTC 2013

A Trac ticket was filed regarding the Commercial Assistance topic in the 
Romanian support forum:

Not sure if this is the correct place for this... sorry if it's not...
In the english support forum, job related posts are closed and refered 
to direcotry.codepoet.com or jobs.wordpress.net.
In the romanian support forum: ​http://ro.forums.wordpress.org/ there is 
main topic that translates to english: "Comercial assistence" and has 
the description: "Paid profesional assistence". I personally don't think 
that topic should be there, what do you think?

Obviously Trac isn't the right place to ask something like this. What is 
the preferred way, forum post?

Also, good topic for today's support chat.


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