[wp-forums] Can people put WordPress in their user/display names?

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Mon Jun 10 19:54:31 UTC 2013

on 10/06/2013 20:18 Mark Ratledge said the following:
> Seems like I remember there is a history (the list archives don't
> appear to be searchable) of not allowing WordPress in a login for
> copyright reasons, and to prevent users from masquerading as being
> officially affiliated with WP or the forums

As far as I recall, the issue was to stop people from using display 
names that might imply they has some sort of "official" WordPress 
status. So using "wordpress" in a username/display name is a definite 
no-no but I don't think there's ever been any problem with people 
indicating that they develop for WordPress sites in the Occupation or 
Interests fields of their profile. After all, you can be opt to be 
flagged up as a WordPress consultant via your profile.


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