[wp-forums] Fwd: It's been pointed out to us that the reviews from our Plugin have been deleted.

Florin Muresan, Squirrly SEO florin at squirrly.co
Thu Jun 6 02:19:53 UTC 2013


Thanks for telling me all this. I talked to the people from the team and
yes, one of them was puting in reviews from time to time, but stopped about
1 or 2 weeks ago, maybe even more.


1) I saw that others tried to post reviews recently. One of them was for
sure a client, but the others I don't think they were legit at all. At
WordCamp Transylvania this weekend it has been pointed out to me that
somebody may be trying to make us look real bad (happened to them, that's
what they said)

I don't know if the competition is doing negatives and also pozitives, but
they're getting me a bit paranoid.

2) Some of the deleted reviews were from customers that I know and were not

3) We did not receive a warning before this happened. I know it's kinda
stupid of me to pop in about all these just now, but I didn't know what was
going on (which just makes me even more stupid, it seems). Would have been
nice to be warned before, though. I could have taken measures then, and not
wait until all this escalated. (and it would have made me look a bit
smarter as well :)) )

I can assure you that no one from my team is doing any of that review stuff
anymore. It stopped as I said, about 1 or 2 weeks ago. Since then, I don't
know who has.

How can we fix this?

Best regards,

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