[wp-forums] btagged and deleted posts

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Feb 15 01:48:14 UTC 2013

Jon Hilde emailed me asking to delete his account (can't), and then gave 
me a bit of crap about 'Oh, poor Ipstenu can't delete an account, but 
charges $250...'

So I deleted his posts (two old ones from 3 and 1 years ago) and told 
him not to cop a 'tude to people he was asking favors from.  And I 
tagged him since if he comes back, he probably will have more of one.

Protip world: no one cares about your posts unless you're a raging 
a'hole in them. (he wasn't)

Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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