[wp-forums] Ethical Obligations for WordPress Users

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Thu Sep 20 22:03:53 UTC 2012

on 20/09/2012 22:11 Andrew2.Nevins said the following:
> Are there any implications for persons that use WordPress to promote shady business?
> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/suggestions-needed-best-way-to-take-appointments-from-non-website-members?replies=1

Not really. If something like this came up on the forums as a complain 
about another WP site, I'd answer with:

"wordpress.org distributes and documents the  WordPress application but 
has no connection with any site running that software. You need to 
contact the site owners and that's not something we can help you with."

The policy generally (as I understand it) is that WPORG maintains no 
direct connection with its millions of users and neither endorses nor 
condemns any site that uses the software. Instead, individuals have the 
choice to decide what they do (or do not) wish to see, read or be part of.

That said, I don't see anything inherently shady or problematic in that 
topic. The proposed site may not be everyone's cup of tea but its heart 
seems to be in the right place.

Just my two penn'orth...


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