[wp-forums] If you follow modlook on RSS...

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Sep 18 22:55:50 UTC 2012

Is anyone else noticing a rather regular occurrence of posts where 
Andrew Nevin's posts show up in modlook?

I'm trying to figure out if HE is tagging posts, or someone else is, but 
every time I go to look at the post, someone's de-modlooked it.

Basically I want to find out who the heck is doing this and kick them, 
because generally I don't see a reason WHY (nothing's been deleted etc 
in the post).

1) IF you are hitting these posts, what, if anything, are you doing?

2) Can you check to see who modlooked it?

Directions on how to see who tagged a post: 

Mika A Epstein (aka Ipstenu)
http://ipstenu.org | http://halfelf.org

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