[wp-forums] Spam!

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Fri Nov 30 22:09:08 UTC 2012

Otto - We clean it out so we can find the -real- people who accidentally 
trip the bozo flag. That's why. A lot of real people post code, or 
multiple links, and whoops, they end up moderated. Happened to me a few 
times before I was mod'd up.

> Otto <mailto:otto at ottodestruct.com>
> November 30, 2012 12:11 PM
> Virtually no spam accounts do that though, and blocking them just
> gives incentive to try to improve their game and bypass the filters.
> I'd much rather them keep using the same accounts repeatedly than to
> just create new ones all the time anyway.
> Blocking should be used for actual people, not automated accounts.
> Bozoing hides their spam from the world, which is the point of
> bozoing.
> As for the spam bucket, I really don't care how full it is. I know
> some of you try to clean it out from time to time, but I've never
> really understood why. Doesn't make any sense to me, really. Leave it
> marked spam, because, honestly, who cares? It's just a label.
> -Otto
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