[wp-forums] The "No Bumping" Rule - A Plea For Consistency

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Nov 6 14:22:04 UTC 2012

To add on:

There's bumping and there's bumping...

Look, if you post every 5 minutes 'Help!' or 'Anyone?' then you are

a) annoying as all get out
b) removing yourself from the no-replies list (which yes, people use)
c) acting like a 5 year old

If it's that important? Hire someone.

You guys know the difference between bumping and legitimate bumps. The 
rule isn't for you Gary, it's for the silly people who don't get that it 
really doesn't help.

esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
> on 06/11/2012 13:04 Gary Gale said the following:
>> Sometimes this reminds the original poster and they reply. But mostly
>> nothing happens. So after another few days I put up a comment to the
>> effect that I've heard nothing back and I set the thread to
>> resolved.
> And that's exactly what I'd suggest (and do in similar situations with
> one of the plugins that I support after about 2 weeks of silence).
>> Sometimes this bump is ignored by you, the moderators. But sometimes
>> it gets moderated and normally with a reprimand along the lines of
>> "don't bump, it's not allowed"
> That shouldn't happen. The "no bump" rule only applies to those
> posting with questions.
> Mel / esmi

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