[wp-forums] Joining Forces: Support

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue May 15 13:48:46 UTC 2012

Make WP better isn't a sustainable guiding vision ;)

I think that sounds like a good thing, and the email/search/organization of a P2 site is really helpful.

I'd be concerned about things like a list of people being mod-watched, except... You know, people who find "So and so was flagged for moderation after post X where they called such and such a name" isn't bad, so long as the leads have the ability to blacklist/moderate on the p2 as well. Public disclosure of bad behavior isn't a bad thing. 

I've been thinking about that, off and on, since one of the hassles of the list is keeping track of who needs a bit of a nanny and who doesn't. And the codex could sure use love. The forum regulars are likely to see numerous complaints that this or that page is out of date, could post, tag it codex, and we'd be able to have someone publicly reply that they're on it. That would, I think, be helpful.

On May 15, 2012, at 7:45 AM, Jane Wells <jane at automattic.com> wrote:

> On 5/15/12 8:41 AM, esmi at quirm dot net wrote:
>> tl;dr Great idea but I'd like to see someone (perhaps another sub-rep?) take on the role of Codex organisation, looking after review schedules etc.
> Yes, once we get all the teams and reps sorted out, I want to discuss having people assigned as project managers for the various tasks in each team so it neither falls to one person to do everything nor winds up as a free-for-all with no guiding vision.
> j
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