[wp-forums] Joining Forces: Support

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Tue May 15 12:41:00 UTC 2012

on 15/05/2012 13:09 Jane Wells said the following:
> what if we combined forums and
> docs into one Support team?

I can see the definite logic to this and I do like the idea of a Codex 
that is possibly more responsive to support (and, therefore, users') 
needs. My concern would be that, whilst there would more contributions 
and active editing, there might be less organisation. And a badly 
organised Codex is of no use to anyone.

I do think that documentation generally needs at least 1 (preferably 
more than 1) person who can step back and take the objective overview - 
free from any concerns about directly answering users' questions.

Does that make any sense?

tl;dr Great idea but I'd like to see someone (perhaps another sub-rep?) 
take on the role of Codex organisation, looking after review schedules etc.


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