[wp-forums] Keep an eye out for the phisher

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Mar 27 12:45:53 UTC 2012

The phisher has gotten a hold of SOME ids. The IP is known to be his.

These IDs are currently blocked, but he'll probably make more.


wp.org knows who the spammer is, and all the details, so they'll take care of it. We just need to make sure they don't stir up trouble on the forums.

If you get EMAILS from a hotmail account or anything suspect from the forums, check the originating IP of the email (view the raw headers) and look for this:

X-Originating-IP: []

That's our guy. Hang on to the emails, delete, forward 'em on. Just don't reply.

Props to Jan for spotting it right away last night!

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