[wp-forums] Code and Forums

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Sat Jun 30 00:11:03 UTC 2012

on 30/06/2012 00:46 Mika A Epstein said the following:
> With the code tweak that keeps it from being a gazillion lines long,
> and the fact that there's no really good way to moderate that and
> keep the post 'un answered', it seems past it's time. It's not going
> to stop people from being silly, but it's easier to edit a post and
> slap on two backticks than remove and comment.

What about those who post hundreds (or even thousands) of lines of code?

And shouldn't we still be encouraging people to use a pastebin if they 
can? Only that's a darn sight easier to read than a styled block of 150 
lines of multi-indented code. Scrolling back and forth, as well as up & 
down, trying to unpick code via a fiddly little code box is a right 
royal pain.

I vote that we still keep the pastebin instructions in and try to 
encourage people to use it for large blocks of code and leave the rest 
to best judgement.


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