[wp-forums] B-Coded user

Jan Dembowski jan at dembowski.net
Sat Jul 28 16:25:02 UTC 2012

On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 12:08 PM, Francisco de Azevedo
<frandeazevedo at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Do you mean a list if usernames, as a public shaming?
> Yeah, something like that, a hall of shame of sorts. It doesn't necessarily
> have to be tied to the bozo list actually.

While that may be (temporarily) satisfying, I think that'd be counter
productive. People misbehave sometimes and we've all sent out
communications that later on we thought "WHOA. What was I on that

Everyone should get at least one second chance, preferably many. ;)

The b-code just puts them in the timeout room. It doesn't block or ban
them, it just means a moderator has to approve their post before other
people can see it.

If they fly straight then they'll get to play with the other kids
unsupervised. If they don't, then any new offending posts will/can be
deleted and they stay in the timeout room longer.

Having a public shame list won't encourage people to behave and would
possibly just start more fights. We wouldn't want that.

I mean really, WordPress has got a cool community and we want to
encourage people to play nicely using pleasant means.

Jan Dembowski

PS. That doesn't mean I'm opposed to banning outright repeat
offenders, there are limits after all. But that's a last resort IMHO.

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