[wp-forums] Bozo no bozo?

Mark Ratledge mark at markratledge.com
Tue Dec 18 21:18:33 UTC 2012

Well, we have lots of rocks here in Montana. And you can steer a horse to sanity, but you can't make him think.

This guys main problem is mostly (but not all) not smart/irrelevant answers http://wordpress.org/support/profile/noahjonah

Do we take the time to correct all of them, or mark them as spam? He's already a bozo.

On Dec 18, 2012, at 12:18 PM, Mika A Epstein wrote:

> Thanks Jan :D
> Mark, that just means to beware, and if he acts up, hit him with a rock... Well no. Gently steer him to sanity. Apparently people take my jokes seriously, I'm REALLY sorry about the blink tag.

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