[wp-forums] Correction, blocked herytuj

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Thu Apr 12 18:53:20 UTC 2012

I was chatting to Templatic about GPL (which the twitter account claimed not to understand) and did a tl;dr for them "Anything that requires a GPL product in order to work (i.e. themes/plugins to WP) must use a compliant license."

Herytuj made a twitter account http://twitter.com/herytuj and proceeded to tweet me. I blocked him ASAFP and he's been deleting his tweets (and account it seems, that was fast). I blocked him on my server too, after an email that essentially said I'm a terrible mod.

And I blocked him on WP forums, since harassing people isn't cool.

Bitches get shit done.

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