[wp-forums] 3.2 troubleshooting (ahead of the curve!)

Mika A Epstein ipstenu at ipstenu.org
Tue Jun 28 11:19:28 UTC 2011

I have not yet SEEN complaints, but the people doing the alpha/beta/SVN/RC testing are usually slightly more comfortable with seemingly random changes than the general user base.

This is speaking from the half of my day job that caters to helping developers who can't be arsed to follow directions.  Since Otto MADE that quick fix, its a fast "If you hate it, here." reply that we can then ignore.

Similarly, yeah, I think I should add on "Where did the new post go?" and tell people its in the admin bar now (which takes a getting used to).  No, it's not an OMGWTFBBQ crisis like "The gallery is broken!" but the small kick in the pants to tell people that yes, it's known, but no, it's not changing, MAY stop some kvetching.  Or at least let us link to the answer instead of repeating ourselves a hundred times ;)

People like WP because it works, and because it's fairly easy to change what you don't like.  We're all experienced enough to know that when things change drastically visually, people get vocal and will start spouting nonsense stats like "Never change UI! Look at Google!" (my counter BTW is "Look at Windows 7, OS X and MS Office!")  Having SOME semblance of a stock answer calms some people.

You'll never calm them all, of course. Some folks are born irrational ;)

And now I'm reminded to go troll the .com forums and see what the folks there got their panties in a twist about.  It was a good barometer last time too....

On Jun 28, 2011, at 4:34 AM, esmi at quirm dot net <esmi at quirm.net> wrote:

> on 28/06/2011 08:27 Andrew Nacin said the following:
>> I would say no. (That's even worse than linking somewhere, as
>> functions.php is tied to the theme.)
> So you'd add a proviso that this would needed to be added to their new
> theme if they changed. It's still a relatively safe change to make and
> keeps them away from messing with core files.
>> Are you really seeing that many support requests for it?
> Absolutely none thus far. Like Ipstenu, I'm just trying to think ahead
> and do the whole girl guide, be prepared, thing. But since I posted that
> "fix", I found Otto's plugin which is by far the best solution for most in this case.
> <snip>
>> They can get used to it
> Understood. I'm still gritting my teeth over the pug-ugly, under-sized,
> monospace font in the HTML editor. Who on earth came up with that font
> family for ****'s sake? I can only assume it was a non-Win user! Not a
> single common mono PC font in the list.
>> But there's no real need to cater to that.
> Oh - that's a fine line you're walking there! ;-)
> If something like this does become a bone of contention for a few
> people, it's a good idea to have a safe fix available. Otherwise,
> they'll hack core and I've always assumed that this is to be avoided at
> all costs.
> Mel
> -- 
> http://quirm.net
> http://blackwidows.co.uk
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