[wp-forums] WPMUDev - General 'Be Aware' things

esmi at quirm dot net esmi at quirm.net
Wed Jun 22 14:14:12 UTC 2011

on 22/06/2011 14:22 ipstenu at ipstenu.org said the following:

> Think of it more as a vent than a serious suggestion :)

Well, I did wonder. ;-)

But I'm also aware that when you're inadvertently caught up in something 
like this, there's often a immediate (and completely understandable) 
response to try and stop it happening again with a "fix". Been There. 
Done It More Than Once. IME, it never works and you just end up running 
round in circles trying to stamp out mini-fires.

These days, I'm more of a fan of the bloody big fire hose approach and a 
button to turn it on when appropriate. Usually a reference to the bloody 
big fire hose in the corner is enough to remind most people that, with 
freedom of speech, comes the responsibility to behave in a reasonable 
manner without needing a definition for every aspect of social 
interaction. Pretty sure that last bit comes under the general heading 
of "parenting". ;-)

After about 15 years on Usenet, my favourite guideline "document" is 
still taken from Bill & Ted

"Be excellent to each other and party on, dudes!"


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