[wp-forums] Developdaly set as bozo?

Mr mist listswpforum at mist.org.uk
Tue Nov 2 22:05:54 UTC 2010

In message <20101102160512.twm1k7lxwo0woc4o at ipstenu.org>, 
ipstenu at ipstenu.org writes
>He pinged me and asked if he was Bozo'd which he was.
>I know the guy's work and can't fathom why he might be, so I un-bozo'd 
>him. Is there a reason he's been flagged that way?

I think it's happening automatically to some folk, when they post an 
item that akismet picks up as spam, and then post something else 
afterwards whilst the first thing is still in the queue.  I could be 
wrong here, but there's been a number of "regulars" in the bozo queue 
lately. (Who I've also noticed to have spam items, too.)

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