[wp-forums] Should we have a "headers already sent" sticky?

mrmist listswptesters at mist.org.uk
Wed May 26 09:21:28 UTC 2010

In message <6762F5E7-30E7-4A26-A06F-78469024C498 at gmail.com>, James Huff 
<macmanx at gmail.com> writes
>Like the subject says, should we have a sticky thread for how to solve 
>the "Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent 
>by" error?
>I'd do it myself right now, but I wanted to find out if it was a good 
>idea first.

I guess my issue with this is that where do you stop?  You have a sticky 
for this, there's some other problem, you have a sticky for that, pretty 
soon we've got 10s of stickies.  (One of the things I tried to cut out 
when I did the forum welcome was the amount of stickies per forum.)

And I think you've said it yourself : despite the answer to this problem 
being very, very available in many of the linked FAQs it still gets 
asked, so would a sticky help?  At best, you'd end up in a situation 
such as with the decode my theme stuff, where there is a sticky telling 
people *exactly* how to decode stuff, but it *still* needs another 
sticky thread allowing people to post their own stuff for decoding to 
stop threads popping up everywhere.  Basically - some folk really need 

I do see what you are saying and maybe there is some answer, but 
whatever it is needs to be very carefully worked out.  Perhaps a more 
genreic "common answers" sticky that links off to the common answers 
wiki page, or something. But I think overall I'm against adding more 

As a point of note on this subject, there is a sticky already for "lost 
password" and there's still a good flow of those threads...

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