[wp-forums] Closed Wrong Topic

mrmist listswptesters at mist.org.uk
Tue May 11 07:22:44 UTC 2010

In message <E555B6F6-3B4E-4902-9E8E-C96A3BDAC97D at gmail.com>, James Huff 
<macmanx at gmail.com> writes
>Hi there, I don't mean to be a pain, but there's a duplicate post where 
>the thread with a reply was closed while the duplicate with no replies 
>was left open.  I think it should be the other way around, otherwise 
>we'll probably wind up with duplicate threads anyway.  Here are the 
>threads in question:
>http://wordpress.org/support/topic/397599 (open, no replies)
>http://wordpress.org/support/topic/397605 (closed, 1 reply)

Seems to make sense.  Have reversed it.

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