[wp-forums] Marking plug-ins as "broken."

Eric Mann eric at eamann.com
Thu Jul 29 18:19:55 UTC 2010

I am so frustrated with people who try to download my plug-ins, fail to read the
included Readme file, install the plug-in incorrectly, then report it as
"broken" without bothering to post a reason why.  One of my "flagship" plug-ins
is now marked as "broken" with 3 votes, and I'm at a loss as to whether it
really is broken or if it's a PEBCAK problem.
The latest forum post complaining about my plug-in demonstrates that the user
failed to read the Readme file ... he was trying to pass too many parameters
into a function and was receiving an error.  His assumption was that the system
had broke because a feature he *thought* existed wasn't working ... but that
feature was never there in the first place!
What I'd really like to do is require some kind of feedback if you mark a
plug-in as broken.  Somehow require the user to post an explanation and have
that explanation seed a new forum thread so that developers can respond.
 Otherwise, we're allowing people to say "this apple didn't taste like a
cheeseburger, so it must be broken" and that feedback reflects poorly on
developers ... there's no way to separate and respond to legitimate bug reports.

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