[wp-forums] Abuse of the modlook tag

mrmist listswptesters at mist.org.uk
Thu Jan 28 15:03:36 UTC 2010

In message <161617691001280655p24eeb87aqa74709190fb4f6b at mail.gmail.com>, 
Otto <otto at ottodestruct.com> writes
>It's rare, but it has happened from time to time.
>We don't talk about it so as not to give people ideas.


I doubt it's the sort of thing that you could stop with a warning 
either.  The sort of person that is inclined to abuse such a facility 
would, I think, be the sort of person would would ignore any 
instructions not to do so.

I'm not convinced that it would really work, anyway.  If I see a modlook 
tag I check it for various things, deal with it and remove the tag.  It 
doesn't make me any more or less likely to actually reply to the thread.

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