[wp-forums] Looking for Consultants (and Where have I been?)

James Huff macmanx at gmail.com
Tue Dec 14 18:10:49 UTC 2010

Howdy, folks!

I'm sorry I haven't been around lately.  I've actually been "batting for the other team," as a Happiness Engineer supporting WordPress.com and IntenseDebate, so it's been taking most of the time that I usually spend hovering over the forums like a hawk. :)

I'm still doing my best to stop by and answer questions and moderate things for an hour or two a day, and I'm especially keeping a close eye on the Akismet, WordPress.com Stats, and IntenseDebate tags.

Big props Ipstenu and Rich for recently stepping up to the plate and totally rocking the mod hat.

As Murphy and his bloody Law would have it, I'm now getting more consulting requests than ever.  I'm directing these to the Jobs site, but I'd like to form a list of trusted consultants for my repeat clients.  Most these are "I want this super simple thing, please do it for me."  If you'd like to be on the list, please let me know. :)

James Huff

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