[wp-forums] MichaelH forums wishlist

Len Kutchma lkutchma at gmail.com
Thu Mar 12 03:04:24 GMT 2009

I like this wishlist and it's long overdue.

I don't mind the "notify by email" option. Actually the idea of 2 new RSS
feeds proposed by Otto is also interesting. It would make it much easier to
keep track of the various threads one is involved in. As it stands, digging
through old threads looking for further replies is something that doesn't
interest me nor does subscribing to each thread. I have enough feeds to keep
track of in my readers.

A good example is a reply to a recent thread I was involved in. I didn't
even realize someone responded until the poster sent me an email whereupon I
was able to solve his problem. I don't mind helping out but I don't
necessarily like people sending mail to my personal address looking for help
- that is what the support forum is for and had a better notification system
been in place he never would have had to send me that email.

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