[wp-forums] We need bulk actions!

Chris Kasten handy.solo at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 16:09:51 UTC 2009

I haven't been around the forums much lately due to other distractions and
such. I used to log on once or twice a day to hit the Akismet Spam queue and
clean it up. Not a particularly fun job but one way of helping out.

Checked it out last night and found over 45 pages of posts in the queue!
That appears to be about two weeks worth. After an hour or so of effort a
blinding flash of the obvious hit me:

1) We *need *the ability to do bulk approves / deletes from the akismet
queue list. Just like we can with our blogs.

Working this list one item at a time will take (literally) hours. That
stinks. Could whomever is in charge of the support forums look into adding
such a capability?

Side note:
Active mods really should try to pop in and check the list every now and
then. We shouldn't get 2 weeks into the hole.


Chris Kasten
Solo Technology

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