[wp-forums] Akismet

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Wed Sep 20 13:42:00 GMT 2006

-----Original Message-----
On 9/20/06, Lara @ Anubis Marketing <lara at anubismarketing.com> wrote:
> <snip> No one out there has any idea
> that this is being used... so when they post and aren't even told that 
> their comment is in moderation for one reason or another, they're 
> going to do it again or leave.

Sounds like a job for a super-sticky, not to mention a DEV BLOG entry that
appears on everyone's dashboard, plus whatever happened to the WP mailing
list? Maybe WP needs a newsletter?


+1 to that idea, Craig! The super-sticky, and maybe the wp dashboard
stuff... even an announcement somewhere would be nice, as long as it doesn't
compromise the functionality of Akismet on the forums.

Podz & Handy - thanks for the clarification and update on what's going on
with the non-spam spams. I know that Akismet "learns" - but I think that
during the learning phase, all this can be confusing to new users, or people
who don't subscribe to this list. Is there any way to notify posters when
their comment doesn't appear immediately that its triggered Akismet and is
being held for moderation - please don't repost, etc?

~ Lara

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