[wp-forums] practical question

Moshu moshu at transycan.net
Sun Sep 17 19:15:07 GMT 2006

I'll answer some of the BIG questions later... maybe.

For the moment I have a very practical issue.
I posted a longer answer with several (6 to be precise) links to
different Codex and other resources about turning a design into a WP
theme. You can't answer that with one line reply ...

For some surprising reason the forum software considered my reply a
"spam". After editing it - again it was 'hidden' because considered
Being a mod I was able to change that, but what about others?
More importantly: is there a "link limit" above which the post will go
automatically into the Spam???

If that kind of changes are made it would be nice if somebody let us
know about it.
I don't even ask for democracy... just some communication.


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