[wp-forums] The "Changes" - PT2 - Let's get this together..

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sun Sep 17 15:33:57 GMT 2006

Handy wrote:

> [1] Please, don't start polls and waste time asking for feedback if you
> already feel you know what needs to be done.  It just wastes everyone's
> time.
> I think this, and something over in wp-hackers today, helped me finally
> realize that as a non-automattic employee, it really doesn't matter what my
> opinions are.  Not that folks aren't welcome to share their opinions.  And
> no, I'm not hollering censorship or oppression.  I'm just a bit bemused by
> all this and must crawl off to my cave to ponder.

I didn't.
My thoughts on the forums have been consistent since I started using
them. But change does become necessary - and democracy for me is the way
to go. Maybe I phrased it wrong.
Try this:
50 lurkers pop up and yell "phpBB". The answer to all 50 is "No."

If there is a consensus then we should move with that - I be against
little (animated gigs, sigs, stars, multi-levels of answerers and all
that phpBB / invision junk_ and I would really really hope we do not
even consider going down that route.

Do contribute. I have always been a democrat (little 'd' - I'm not in
the US) and I will stay that way.


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