[wp-forums] Punctuation at the end of links

Jeremy Visser jeremy.visser at gmail.com
Sun Sep 17 06:55:50 GMT 2006

On Sat, 2006-09-16 at 18:18 -0600, Vkaryl wrote:
> Yup.  It's always done that.  Either don't punctuate, or put a space 
> between....
> V

Well, I would do that, but no-one else seems to do it.

Here's an example: http://wordpress.org/support/topic/87031?replies=5
It links the word "FTP." including the full stop at the end.

Here's an example with a link with a full stop at the end:

Just for kicks, I'll post that link again with a full stop, as you can
see your email client hopefully handling it properly

The behaviour is a bit weird and not what most people would expect.

Jeremy Visser 
Email: jeremy.visser at gmail.com GPG id: CF13C41A
Website: http://narnia.bounceme.net/jeremy/

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