[wp-forums] The "Changes" - PT2 - Let's get this together..

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Sep 15 21:13:00 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> +1 Moderation
> I think that getting more folks involved will help get things done in general, and provide more
> coverage which is a good thing. Just in reviewing the subscriber list to the wp-forums mailing list
> (which has been adding members with a reasonable amount of consistency), there seems to be plenty of
> folks available to help out, so I think that's probably a good place to begin looking for additional
> mod help. In the worst case if someone wasn't doing a good enough job or whatever, an admin Podz,
> etc could easily just strip any new folks of their 'mod' status. 

I'm going to totally disagree.
While more mods may or may not be on the agenda, approaching
mailing-list subscribers to do that job just isn't going to happen.
Every mod has been appointed because they have done the work.
They have helped out almost daily, have shown a depth of knowledge, have
 coped with FAQ's and have done everything consistently. I do not think
using a mailing-list for selection criteria is a good one. Example: I've
been subbed to the hackers list since it's inception. You wouldn't want
me reviewing code and the task is no less important.


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