[wp-forums] The "Changes" - PT2 - Let's get this together..

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri Sep 15 20:45:01 GMT 2006

> Forum structure
> -1 Move the list of specific forums above the recent
> posts.
We moved the tags because they got in the way. Moving posts down and
forums up increases the chances that people will post before seeing the
glut of "How do I upgrade?" and such posts at certain times.

> -1 Move/Remove/Replace the Latest Discussions section
> off the forums index page, with the actual forums themselves.

> +1 Fix the search on the Forums and Codex, for each
> search, to search each section specifically.
> +1 Removing the Beta forum.
> +1 Fix the pagination issues/problems!
> +1 Make a good FAQ/Forums Rules, get a team together on
> this, and make it happen!
> -1 Make a drop down menu type deal for the "Tags".
How do we know how much use is being made of the tags (Matt, stick Crazy
Egg on the forums for a week?) but if you hide them you can guarantee
usage will fall.
 Ambivalent - Make posting code and links easier for less
> technical users. Use the wordpress.pastebin.ca for people to paste
> codes, then post back the URL to it. Also, fix the bugs for placing
> links in the forums!
+1 - "When a thread gets marked as Resolved, close it
> too. If folks want to dredge up golden-oldies, let 'em refer to it by
> link. After 50 or more posts the topic has often drifted all over hell
> and back."
"If you have a problem similar to this but reading this thread has not
helped, please open a new thread. But you MUST say you have read this
thread so we know what you have tried - it helps us to help you. Copy
the address in the browser address bar for our reference"

I am sure that with Michael A on the scene that much coding will happen
to our benefit, even if that does result in temporary but interesting
effects on the forum.
I still don't think we need to make structural changes.


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