[wp-forums] Changing things

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Sep 2 15:36:21 GMT 2006

Lara @ Anubis Marketing wrote:
>>  - I still think we need to add a "General HTML/CSS Help" thread in 
>> the forum.
> I don't simply because we are a WP forum about WP issues and we cannot
> afford to further dilute what we have.
> There are a zillion other sites for people to get that information - and
> just because they may have to wait at those sites does not mean we should
> fill a gap.
> P.

> I'm also not talking about adding 20 additional topics - just one, because
> that's the one where people never know where to post, and rarely get help.
> And again, because that's a way to give others a chance to help where they
> can, due to their previous design knowledge. That's all... I know I'm not
> the only person who thinks we should have this... it's been said many times
> before.
> ~ Lara

'just one' - just one what? Forum? But we have one already. If we have 2
we'll have "Wrong forum!" posts and further confusion. We already have a
forum for XHTML and CSS - do we really need another?

The fact that others have asked is not a reason - full justification is
reason. The forums have - bar one change IIRC - survived neraly 3 years.
As people have pointed out, it's not what we've got that's the problem -
it's how we are using it :)


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