[wp-forums] Please read! Inregards to Install4free.. devs, podz, anyone!

Shelly foolish.visions at gmail.com
Wed Oct 4 14:49:11 GMT 2006


I remember that one.  That was a *complete* pain in the ass.

Hte only info she gave me was the FTP - and it was wrong too.  I went 
back and forth with her for a while for info, and she didn't understand 
the questions I was asking her, so I had to talk to her like explaining 
to a little kid.  I finally got info out of her, and her host had the 
thing set up *sooo* screwy it was nuts.  I finally figured it out on my 
own and got it put up where it was needed.

As for the comment Moshu made on why I put it in Wordpress instead of 
the root - because she asked me to do that.  She wanted it to be "easy 
to find" by having things kept separate in their own folders.  Yet she 
still wanted the site to show up at the root.  Ha!  As if *anything* 
would be easy to find on *that* server.  Criminy.

BY the way, her root was like something I had never seen before - 
instead of "www" or "public_html" or something, it was in some weird 
folder under htdocs/wmasggt3680954g.tsdndfk" (yes, with the weird 
extension *on a folder*) or something like that.  She had 5 folders like 
that on her server.  She also had a folder called "blixonline" which I 
had *thought* was the folder for her current site.  I basically had to 
1) find the main FTP account - because the one she gave me (which *did* 
have permissions of full access) would not give me access to some 
folders; and 2) I had to write a test text file and place it in several 
folders to actually find the one that was displaying her site.  She had 
copies of her site in almost every folder - but only *one* of them was 
displaying the correct files.  it was a total crapshoot.  When I finally 
found it, I installed it and there you go.

Just letting you know this in case anyone else runs across the same 
issue with this host.  It was an utter nightmare.  It was like the host 
was trying to hide the proper files from their own clients.

This was one of the reasons I've started *demanding* the proper file 
path for the upload.  That was so ridiculous.


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