[wp-forums] Lack of code savvy volunteers vs wp-hackers

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Sat Nov 25 01:13:07 GMT 2006

I'm cross posting this to both the forums and the hackers list, and perhaps
the copious amounts of sun from fishing all day, or perhaps it's the many
blog posts I've read lately about the lack of focused participation in the
forums/codex, but it seems after my most recent reply in the hackers list,
that if less time was spent by the more talented coders who know the code on
the hackers list, and more in the forums, either via an "advanced" forum, or
something of the sort, many birds would be killed with fewer stones...

I see more and more discussions and questions posed on the hackers list that
really could be relevant to the forums, and would be more widely read
there.  Likewise, if those that frequent the hackers list spent just a *few
more minutes* there, some of the more technical questions that go unanswered
would get some love.  I wholly understand the desire for less "noise", and
the like minded camaraderie that is shared on the hackers list, but in the
spirit of growing the community, as well as embracing new users, be it some
times skilled coders unfamiliar with the nuances of WP, it could benefit the
greater discussion.

I'm not suggesting the wp-hackers list doesn't have it's place, but am
suggesting that perhaps some of the discussion isn't that far above the
general audience that it can't be shared with the masses.

I'd hate for wp-hackers to some day evolve into into something like
css-discuss, and the only real source for meaty WP support, with the forums
relegated to the complete newbie and sploggers.

Please don't flame me too hard, as I do have a bit of a sunburn, as well as
am still stinging from being called a "maladjusted geek"...



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