[wp-forums] Hi There!

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Thu Nov 9 01:12:10 GMT 2006

On 11/8/06, Shelly <foolish.visions at gmail.com> wrote:
> >>We don't change our clocks here! I love it! <<
> I wish we didn't.  I mean, I understand how it all got started and why
> we *did* start it - but this is ridiculous.  There's not that many dairy
> farms in America anymore!  Hello?!  Let's get rid of the stupid thing!

To save on candles, duh! ;-)

And if you get more work than you can handle, send them my way!

Things are almost back to normal in miklb land, as my desktop machine is
back up and running, and I'm not relegated to only using an OLD clamshell
ibook. As much as I still love that thing, that G3 processor is a tad slow
when you have 6 apps open and 8 tabs in FF...

At least the weather here in FL is perfect.


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