[wp-forums] Two profiles, one member?

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Mon May 22 20:14:53 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> While
> I don't know all of the circumstances, it seems on the surface obsurd to me
> that anyone suggest Lara or anyone else for that matter "remove" a specific
> address from their profile, never mind asking someone who could actually
> know something about a topic not to talk about it. It just doesn't make
> sense. 

It makes sense in that we are taking to task people who post to get the
'link juice' as they see it. We make far far more posts than they do yet
we will happily break one link to a splog site. If we have links to
commercial sites then we could be accused of double standards. If we
only have links to personal blogs then we can call the shots cleanly.


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