[wp-forums] Getting closer

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri May 19 19:30:02 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> Another one of my infamously long postings...


> As an interesting idea as this is.... (and I'm going to be brutally 
> honest) I don't like it. At all. It adds a layer of bureaucracy to the 
> process that doesn't need to be there. I can also see too many problems 
> with it. I got queasy thinking about it.


I agree with everything you say.
I honestly don't know what would or would not be the best solution 
though I will always favour simple over complex - for the enduser that 
is. And I understand email - I have no idea about databases and such like.
Sometimes the best way to get things moving is just to get them moving 
and see what happens - and if that means another direction with the same 
goal then that's fine.
This isn't _my_ project, it's not _mine_ to say what should or should 
not happen - everyone and anyone could be using it so for the user it 
must seen straightforward but for us it must be robust, secure and not 
so convoluted only one person can understand it. And this could also 
come under some scrutiny so it has to be solid and thought through - so 
every point that is made should be listened to.
Once we have a process in place and all the code then I think we need to 
  go over all the words again - but that will have more impetus to 
complete because we will have a working framework. Right now we've sat 
at this stage for some time.
I'm just rattling the cage because I'd like to see this move to a reality :)


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