[wp-forums] the free thing again

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Fri May 19 00:19:06 GMT 2006

Michael B wrote:

> I would suggest rather than installing the themes and plugins, we add a 
> page
> of popular add-ons with links to the original sites and stone simple
> instructions on adding them.
> I wouldn't suggest any plugins or themes that require a ton of work to use.
> I'm also missed the decision process at not installing at root.

I'd agree about links.
What we absolutely cannot go anywhere near is plugin configuration or 
anything to do with permissions. The former will end up with emails 
flying to and fro and the latter is just a huge neon flashing sign that 
is guard dog surrounded with the letters No. atop it.

It's one thing to say "There's a blog have fun" and another to say "Let 
me tell you about the plugins..."


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