[wp-forums] [closed] Creating a Google Gadget for a WP feed

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Sat Jun 24 13:02:43 GMT 2006

Christopher J. Hradil wrote:
> OK, agreed, however, the fact is that that post is directly related to WP,
> in that the "out of the box" WP feed doesn't work correctly with
> google-gadgets. How is that veering from the core interest ?

For the forums, that is veering away. Issues like that belong on
hackers, as trac tickets / patches. I pointed the OP at that in my forum

 My core
> interest is in seeing that as many folks as possible adopt the WP platform
> and view it as "best of breed", and part of that takes into consideration,
> the strength and level of activity of the development and support
> communities, which I view as second to none. 

> ... but I don't feel like shutting folks down is a good way to
> promote the community.

I do. Look at our core users. Not answerers, users. It is they to who we
answer. It is they who come and ask because they cannot find. I would
expect someone with a technical level question to be searching at that
level and posting at that level. The forums have never been for that and
never will be - pleas for coders to hang around and answer have been
pretty much useless. So a question such as that goes into a "No-one
knows???" "But it's not WP" "Yes it is!!!!" etc etc. Long painful death
and in the meantime other posts drop away.
I have nothing against the OP or the issue - but for me this is a WP
_code_ issue, not a WP _use_ issue and I see the forums as being for the

> and there
> are plenty of clear cases where folks ask completely unrelated questions
> which often are and should be closed. 
Very probably - and for the same reasons.

I honestly do not see that thread being closed as different to the way
the forums have been run for the last two years.


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