[wp-forums] Installing for free

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 13 03:46:31 GMT 2006

I'm starting to wonder if, maybe "close" that thread down quick, "revamp" 
and "rethink" of how to say the things on the Install4free blog *again* 
sigh.. and then, repost another thread.. with the changes and such.. ( Maybe 
include a "trusted" moderator's name or something )

Because, it does kind of give that picture, of the those "involved" as being 
"untrusted" and "unkowning" of what they are doing.. After what Chris had 
said, it does or would make someone think.. what the hell!?

I don't know *who* I'm giving my informations too, and how do I *know* if 
this is some possible attempt to maybe "hack" my stuff later or not.. and or 
spam me.. or whatever else for that matter really..

The whole idea of this is awesome though, by the way.. maybe just a "revamp" 
of some stuff, might help things a little better.. I just wanted to throw 
this out here in the open, not going to "revamp" nothing without it being 
discussed first though of course lol!

It's up to everyone though, I hope this didn't sound even more depressing.. 
but, seriously thinking.. on the "mind set" of those "newbs" ..out there.. 
wanting something like this.. and were always told by "us" as a forum 
support group.. *Not* to give out our informations to just anyone, and they 
*shouldn't* just signup for *free* stuff in general.. because they might 
find themself in something harmful.. but, yet.. this is sounding just like 
*one of those* things were telling them *not* to get involved with in the 
first place...

Well, "we" didn't say those "words" exactly maybe.. but, ya know what I mean 
lol! =P Just my 2 cents.. =)


> http://wordpress.org/support/topic/79287?replies=4
> Oh well........

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