[wp-forums] WP 2.0 Beta forum

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Sat Jan 14 04:47:51 GMT 2006

Matt Mullenweg wrote:
> It's kinda like the dog that chases the car. It's a goal, but you don't 
> really ever want to reach it. ;)

That at least I can understand. I've been part of project or two
where the end of the road map was effectively marked Shangri-La. :)

> The mindset is more, for every change that is made to the Codex and WP,
> will this increase or decrease support requests, to the extent that 
> support is a byproduct of a non-intuitive product?

On that I'll have to disagree. Yes a badly made application will
lead to increased support demands, but ironically so can a well
designed one.

It's obvious to many in the trenches that some good percentage of
the traffic in the support forums is not due to problems, but from
users trying to extend WordPress in (often unique) ways that demand
(sometimes very custom) help. And as Podz notes, there are more of
the complex issue vs. basic troubleshooting and problem resolution
than we have seen previously.

WordPress has become a fairly complex piece of software, and no
matter how well put together you devs are able to make it, it'll
still need a support staff to help not only with problems, but
to provide what it can to users wanting to do far more than just
install the software and start blogging.

> I think about you guys a lot

Sounds like love. :D


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