[wp-forums] a point....

Vicki Frei vkaryl at localnet.com
Tue Feb 14 20:37:51 GMT 2006

http://wordpress.org/support/topic/21145?replies=4 - and this is the thread to 
which he refers:  http://wordpress.org/support/topic/59273?replies=11

While I too had my questions about this guy when he first posted, it didn't go 
any farther than that because he apparently didn't do any of the rest of the 
stuff one might expect from an out and out spammer.

So now we have a poster who comes along and not only adds input to a "sleeping" 
topic, but (as in so many of this poster's comments lately) liberally doses the 
topic with oil and flames.  And this poster isn't the only one who's been going 
out of hisser way to do this sort of thing.

Admitted up front:  I have my own moments of posting before thinking, though I 
do hope I've been less outright nasty than both of the people I'm referring to 
in the previous paragraph.

I would like very much if something could be said or done to mitigate the REAL 
unkindness exhibited by the above two mentioned people to those who are neither 
accomplished web designers nor accomplished wp users.  There is no reason for 
allowing their sort of vitriol in general on the forum, especially when it's 
directed at those (like andreavascellari yesterday) who are possibly not native 
English speakers.

And everyone's idea of "nice design" is different.  There is NO need to flame 
people for choosing to use tables etc.

Just my opinions of course....


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