[wp-forums] Suggestion for wp.com questions, and one other thing

Podz podz at tamba2.org.uk
Thu Feb 2 22:09:24 GMT 2006

TechGnome wrote:
> I was just thinking about this part right here....
> And this is going to be more crazy talk... but with tags, is the forum
> areas really necessary?
> Now hear me out... again, more crazy talk... but what if when the user
> makes a post, they select a "category" from a dropdown or something.
> When the post is made, based on the cat selected, certain pre-assigned
> tags are added to the post. Naturaly additional tags can be added, but
> there would be at least the pre-defined ones on the post.
> Again, this is probably just crazy talk and maybe the lack of sleep
> talking... but for some reason it seems to make sense to me.

I think Matt's goal was to make tags the method of forum use and do
without the individual forums.
My view is that given the target audience a more traditional way - like
we have - is better.
we do
the tagging still leaves a huge amount of work to do. I think it would
also have search implications because users would need to use multiple
tags when looking and I believe the search engine is the hardest part.
What about using a script that used Google for 6 hours as the target,
then yahoo, then Technorati then someone else - that way the query
levels aren't maxed out.

Getting back to bbPress: I have no clue as to how widely it is being
used, but I'm sure a bit of coding time would enable that to improve and
I don't think what's being asked of the changes is extravagant but then
like has been noted it needs time from a few people.


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