[wp-forums] Advanced user questions

Michael B miklb.online at gmail.com
Sun Dec 17 02:16:20 GMT 2006

Some may have seen my recent threads on wp-hackers regarding an attempt to
get more input from those more familiar with advanced "hacking" of the code,
and the most recent replies stated that a special tag that they could
subscribe to would be received.  I didn't get any specific replies to
suggestions, so I'm proposing wp-advanced, simply as it might not be used by
a new user creating a thread.  Advanced, and expert however, may well be
used for something that wouldn't warrant such a tag.

Any comments/suggestions/feedback.

The idea is more for mods to simply tag those threads that seem to be of the
advanced coding nature, not so much for users to add their own tags.

It's a start, and if it gets a few more eyes in the forums, then it's a

But I think we should have a consensus on a tag, and start employing as
needed.  I'll post the feed link to wp-hackers afterward.


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