[wp-forums] Building better.

spencerp spencerp1 at gmail.com
Fri Dec 8 07:10:02 GMT 2006

[Mark wrote>
One point in the article is concerning some sort of recognition / levels.]

Could be like this (examples only of course, not for real):

"WP Support Leaders" - Description: Those that are in control of maintaining the forums, with a higher level of forum abilities. Such abilities include, banning, mass deleting, user function control.. blah blah.. 

"WP Support Team" - Description: Those that have been nominated by their peers to maintain the forums, and keep things in order, with minimal "special" forum abilities. Such abilities include, post editing, thread moving, deleting of threads, but with minimal abilities. (0r whatever there) Blah, blah.. 

"Valued Contributor/ Valued Member" - Description: Those that have contributed many hours of support help in the forums.. or whatever,... blah, blah .. 

[Mark wrote>
Do we need the word Moderator?]

No, not really.. again, I'd probably rather see "WP Support Team" instead.. the word "team" is what it means.. it's a team of WP Support people.. maintaining the forums.. If you gave that name to those helped and gave many hours of their time, helping.. people might take it as, someone with more power.. 

However.. you *could* give those people that, and use WP Support Leaders" to replace the word Moderator.. but then, what would ya give for the Admins, and Keymasters lol..  Just was throwing it out either way.. 

[Mark wrote>
I'm not saying abilities are removed, just the word changed.]

Yeah, I understand what you're saying.. it sounds like a plan, stan.. Let's get jumping on this than.. lol! =P


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