[wp-forums] Late Emails

Lara at Anubis Marketing lara at anubismarketing.com
Wed Aug 2 14:39:47 GMT 2006

I'm with Chris - I've had some I sent last week that never made it out, and
some that were delayed by many hours... This has happened before, and is
typically not ever long term - however this time it's been a little longer. 

At least we know it's happening to everyone, even if it's a here & there
kind of thing. 

~ Lara

-----Original Message-----
I don't think it's you, I sent in a couple of posts last week about issues
with the mailing list server (which ironically never appeared to make it
through), I think it's a sporadic issue, and all seems to be working OK at
the moment. I even went so far as to switch emails to my gmail account to
see if there was any difference and the results were the same. I'd say hang
in, it's something weird with the listserver, and it looks like everything
is working for now. 


-----Original Message-----
I may have to drop out of the mailing list here.... I'm not sure if it's me,
the mail server, or the list server, but I'm not getting my emails from this
list in a timely manner.... I'm getting them hours, and in some cases days
after they are sent (and resolved, and commented on, and joked about...etc).

It's been fun, it's been painful, y'all are a great bunch of people, and I
wish you all good luck in keeping the forums running.

Podz, if you would, please remove me from the mod list as well.


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