[wp-forums] Doing it for free.

Kaf Oseo kaf at szub.net
Sun Apr 23 17:04:24 GMT 2006

petit at petitpub.com wrote:
> o Someone has to write the contract: What we do and what we don't.

Along with Podz (anyone else with this background?) I should be able
to help flesh this out. Note that we don't just need an agreement for
clients (installees, whatever), but for everyone on our side of the
project as well.

Each of us will need to agree to a set of principles or guidelines to
adhere to. This will be our "guarantee" provided publically. Starting
to look like we offer paid work! But considering the level of access
we're asking people to trust us with, we must do everything we can to
assure we take that trust seriously.

> o The authetication apparatus and the special forum has to be set up

I figure I got this one.

> o The 101 or work flow has to be written.

This should be incorporated in the task manager I'm designing. Most
of it will be handled automatically.

> o Instructions for the blog owner on how to chnage passwords for MySQL 
> and WP has to be written.

Not sure how deep these instructions can go, considering the numerous
variations in hosts and whatnot. Perhaps part of the agreement should
be we *require* they know how to change their passwords etc., or know
where (else) to receive help.

Don't these people get customer support?! ;)

> o Some few trusted persons to do the install jobs must agree to do it.

That's the key to this, for certain.


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