[wp-forums] How to correct wrong answers

petit at petitpub.com petit at petitpub.com
Fri Apr 21 23:21:34 GMT 2006

Kaf Oseo <kaf at szub.net>: says:

> A wrong answer is a wrong answer. It deserves to be corrected if you
> know the right one.
> Phrases like "ignore that moron" or "I have no idea what the previous
> poster is talking about" are ones I'd try not to use, but I have no
> problem being forthright and stating plain what has posted before you
> won't work (or may make matters worse). I certainly don't want to see
> anyone hurt, but if someone is wrong and you know it, you're helping
> no one by being noncommittal, since the OP and any others may not be
> able to judge.
> -Kaf
I know this isn't neccessary, but I want to support your thoughts on this
Of course when yo find a wrong answer, you should say so.
And it doesn't hurt to be polite. After all the wrong answer was 
normally given
in an attempt to solve a problem, not to cause one.

After all, the fact that you know someting better doesn't mean you know
everything better. The more knowledge you have, the less reason to get on your
high horses.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, I'm always learning. Sometimes I am 
wrong and I
do get corrected. I like it that way. Sometimes I'm not wrong, but not clear
enough and I sure welcome a better answer.

I guess long teaching experience formed me that way ;)


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